
This lab report demonstrates the importance of comfort, beauty and convenience of a workspace to a college student. By understanding these factors, it can help a college/university identify important improvements/changes within their campus which can lessen their student’s stress and increase productivity which contributes to the students’ overall success.



The North Academic Center (NAC) building in City College of New York (CCNY) is where the majority of classes are being held in comparison to other CCNY buildings. It has the most space for students to study, eat and rest. Despite the number of things to do in this building, there are multiple issues that frustrate the students who need to use it. One of which is its building designs. This building has interior wall colors of orange and green which is very different from the school colors of purple and grey. 

A couple of weeks ago, I decided to visit a friend in Hunter College (a part of College University of New York school like CCNY) and the first thing that I noticed was their walls. It gave me a sense of unity between Hunter students and Hunter College. I could imagine the comfort it brings to the students of Hunter, to feel that they belonged in something big. 

As a current student in CCNY, I am concerned about the effects of the lack of school spirit in the NAC building to the majority of students in City College who use it. By investing time and money in improving the most used building by City College students, it will improve a lot of the student’s stress level which can positively contribute to their success academically.


Materials and Methods:

To see if the students value any characteristic in a space where they feel most productive and less stressed, I decided to conduct a survey using Google Forms. I used this in creating a survey form because this website is safe for my survey population to go to online and it is easy for me to construct a survey form, to see the results and to share the form to other college students. 

To gather the participants for this test, I reached out to 41 students from colleges (mainly CCNY students) through email, social media and text message. These students are people that I know from a school club, high school friends or students in my English 210 class. In the message that I had sent out, I made sure to provide a link that they can easily click and that would direct them to the survey form.

Some college students might feel hesitant to fill out a survey form due to the usual lengthy time it takes to finish them. In order to gain interest from my potential participants and to get as much response as possible, I made sure to keep the number of questions short and be easily read and understood by college students.

The 5 questions used in this research are: “At home, where is the best space you get your homework done”, “Besides when you’re doing HW, how often do you hang around/chill at this space?”, “Do you personally like this space in ur house? if yes, Why?”, “Do you think this place helps lessen your stress when doing work?” and “Are you a college student?”

After 24 hours since I reached out to the students, I received 31 responses out of 41 college students. 



When 31 college students were asked where they do their homework, 64% of the participants responded “Bedroom”, 19% responded “Living Room”, 12.9% responded “Dining table” and 3.2% responded “reading room” as seen in figure 1. 

When 31 college students were asked how often they spend their time in their selected workspace at home, 71% answeredmost of the time”, 16% answered 24 hour a day and 7 days a week or “24/7” and 12.9% answered “rarely” as seen in figure 2. 

When college students are asked if the workspace of their choice helps lessen their stress in doing school work, 96.8% responded “Yes” and only 3.2% responded “No” as seen in figure 3.

In order to identify some key characteristics of a college student’s preferable workspace, 31 students were asked to identify one unique characteristic that their prefered workspace at home possessed. 20 college students responded that it is comfortable, 5 students responded that it’s visually pleasant, 5 students responded that it is easily accessible and 1 student answered “N/A”.


Based on the sample survey conducted, it is best learned that generally a college student’s ideal workspace specifically offers a comfortable, visually pleasing and/or accessible space. This sample survey supports the idea that there are some specific significant factors that a college campus must provide in order to support its students in performing well academically, emotionally and mentally. This can be applied to the situation in City College’s NAC building and its effect on a student’s academic performance. By questioning this building’s ability to satisfy these given conditions that helps college students do their work effectively, we can identify and improve what needs to be improved. 

Gathering these responses, supports the idea that a workspace does indeed affect a college student’s level of productivity and stress. College students tend to choose a space where they spend most of their time for practicality and in addition it also helps for this space to have some level of comfort and beauty. By satisfying these characteristics in the NAC in City College, students can feel most productive and comfortable in doing their work, which can further contribute to their success.


As a freshman college student, there is a tendency to feel stressed, anxious and lonely because of the new school environment and people but also because of the amount of school work that needs to be done. 

After asking 31 other current college students 4 questions about their ideal workspace at home, it revealed some of the key features —beauty, comfortability and accessibility— that college students look for in their workspace which helps lessen their stress while doing work.

By understanding these needs of a college student, the college can provide important and effective innovations and change in the current state of the campus. This investment can further assist and improve the students productivity and emotional stability which contribute to their overall success.