Rationale To live in the United States is a “dream come true” to a lot of people who does not live here. America is mainly seen by other less developed countries as advanced, a place full of potential and the country that consists all the great things in the world. This is what the media has led most us to think. Just recently, as I was assigned to write about a societal issue, I came across gun violence, a different reality that needs attention and action. Gun violence is the epidemic that seems to be unfixable in America. In comparison to other countries around the world, America has highest rate of gun-ownership and highest rate of gun violence. In the past years Americans fail to find an effective way to stop this increasing problem because of two main reasons. They are either not aware of the problem or that it is not personal enough to take actions and offer help to decrease gun violence. The purpose of my work is to spread awareness to the general American population including individuals who might not be aware of the severity of gun violence in America. I hope to show a distress signal to those who do not care or know about gun violence and push them to take actions in decreasing gun ownership in America. According to a research finding by Everytown Research, 58% of the American population or someone they cared for, have experienced gun violence. That’s half of the American population. If the increasing rate of gun violence is not resolved now, more people and even the ones who do not take any stance with this issue, will be affected with gun violence. To resolve a problem, it must be known first. This is my contribution to the society I live in now. Two Genres Genre 1: Gun ≠ Protection sticker Genre 2: Website “you should know..” you should know.. Reflection Gun violence affects anyone without any regards to that person’s age, gender or race. This has led me to think that to effectively reach out and help decrease gun violence in America, I must compose genres that can be easily understood by the general American population despite their age. In addition, I composed genres that can easily deliver a message to the adults who has more legal authority to decrease gun violence in America. Despite the massive fatalities caused by guns, most facts about gun violence in America is unknown by a lot of people and this is the reason why I think it’s hard to come up with effective ways to resolve this epidemic. (more brains the better) One of the genres that I picked is a simple website. This is because in this generation online resources are more commonly used as a source for new information. This website is designed to be simple, short and straight forward to grab the audiences’ attention and deliver the message quickly. Although it only contains small amount of information, I decided to pick the most interesting facts that interests my audiences and eventually leading them to another page with a much bigger goal and establishment in ending gun violence. Most of the information given to the general population are censored with the reason of preventing chaos. Although, most of the information contains some keys to solve the initial problem causing the chaos. Since websites can be shared anywhere or on other sites, I can reveal some of the key facts that are unknown to most of the general American population. This is one of the easiest ways to amplify my thoughts and ideas on gun violence across America and hopefully spark more ideas for solutions. Another genre that I composed to deliver my message to my intended audiences are stickers. Stickers only takes up so little space and time to deliver a message. Stickers can effectively impose curiosity amongst anyone who comes across it. With this curiosity, I hope to spark an interest in the general population to take initiative in learning more about gun violence and ways to resolve it.